14 January 2007

A salute to Stephen Seymour Sensei - 5th Dan

Stephen Seymour was awarded his 5th Dan by the Doshu at a ceremony at Hombu in Tokyo Japan this 14th January. With usual humility, he kept this momentous event very very secret, but the Aikido world is very small and eventually all such secrets get out. So while he would not be so keen to see the achievement celebrated on a personal level - it is an achievement which celebrates and acknowledges both his contribution and the ongoing contribution of Aikido Kenkyukai.

Such a grade is about more than just technical excellence, which he certainly has, but is reflective of the dedication to the art over many years. He has been tireless in his pursuit of the art and extraordinarily generous in the time and commitment to anyone and all who are interested in 'finding their way'.

Steve often tells the story of about Stewart asking Takeda Sensei what should the grading panel be looking for when they are grading students. The answer Takeda Sensei was said to have given was a simple and single word, 'change'. No doubt this 'change' is about continual improvement in technique, hara, awareness and focus as well as spirit. However, perhaps we can consider another element and that is the impact that one person can have on a whole community and Steve has certainly had that. He has changed the lives of nearly everyone he has met on the mat for the better - especially of all those who have trained at Balmain Dojo.

In Australia, in our causal and knockabout way, we don't often stick to the full forms of dojo etiquette. We don't 'Hai Sensei!' and 'oous' with every bow and breath, but that doesn't mean that we don't respect our teachers. While we don't often call him Sensei, for many of us, especially those from Balmain, Steve is truly our Sensei to the very essence of the word is meant to convey.

We thank him - because of his contribution to both individuals and the group.
We salute his achievement - because it honours us all.
We honor the man - because he deserves it!

Congratulations Steve!

Louise Ingram