13 January 2006

Year End Camp at Sugao Gakuin with Suzuki sensei

The close cooperation between Australian and Japan continued at Summer
Camp at Therry Hills in December 2005. It felt like a continuation of
the relationships and training we had started to develop during our
visit to Japan in May 2005 and I hope it only serves to deepen the
relationship between us.

It was great to see Yass-San, Hiroshi-San, Genichi-San and Sato-San
again and to learn from them on the mat. We greatly appreciate them
coming to spend time with us and to share with us their Aikido.

Photos © Graham Monaghan

It was also good to be able, in some small way , to pay back the
generosity and hospitality that we all received on our visit in May.
Just as our Japanese hosts introduced us to sake, shochu and the
shinkanzen, we thought the lest we could do was to ensure that our
guests on this occasions learnt more about Australian wine, beer and
beaches. May the cross cultural education continue!!

Louise Ingram

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